
  • Take your business to the next level!

    Whether that's with a new website, redesigned sales literature, photo retouching or video advertisements, stop trying to make it happen and let me help you get there!

  • Need to improve your digital presence?

    Building websites can be hard. Where do I start? What do I write? How can I automate my content? Together, let's make this process easier to handle, getting you back to doing what you originally set out to do!

  • Upgrade your brand

    Your brand identity is one of your most important assets. Make sure to upgrade it for 2022 & beyond to keep your identity fresh and modern!

UX/UI Developer

Conceptualize & preview your product with human interaction & design in mind.

Web Developer

Building the functionality and architecture of your site.

Graphic Designer

Create, improve or integrate your business' brand between print and digital media.

Photo/Video Editor

Go to the next level with custom photo assets or interaction videos.

About Sydor Creative Services

My Goal

On top of providing you with a useful product that you are happy with, it is my primary goal to find you the most realistic and cost effective solution for your personal or company's requirements.

Jeff Sydor


Companies that I have worked for or supported

What makes SCS special?

Exclusive benefits

A one-stop-shop for just about any of your digital and printed marketing needs. Whether that's as a primary developer or as a creative consultant to add to your existing team.

  • Multidisciplinary

    With a wide range of experiences in graphic design, web development, video production and digital marketing, I can freely move around in a large-scale project that would otherwise involve multiple people. What this means for you is that there is very little downtime when moving from one part of a project to the next.

  • Time/Investment Focused

    This is a very exciting and possibly tedious time for you as the customer. You're looking for someone that is able to produce something quickly but also quality. However, the one of the biggest contributors here is what you're investing. Along with taking pride in my work, one of my biggest goals is providing a cost-effective solution in a timely manner.